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Be Real With God

The mask you wear is the man you’re not. You may be able to fool man, but you will never fool God.

Stop trying to fool people and instead live your life such that you don’t have to. Just be real with who you are. Speak such that if your living is found out it lines up with all you have said.

It takes half the effort to just be yourself. If people don’t like you as you are, then why would you ever try to be something different so you can attract those very people?

Is Christ the Rock you stand on, or merely the necklace you wear? Does the faith you show reflect your heart, or merely mask it? The more you have to tell people of Christ in you, the less He is.

Just because you act like a Christian does not make you one. You know you are acting when you cannot keep up the act. It is not what we appear to be that matters, but who we are.

Quit playing Christian and get real with your faith. The Lord can do more with an honest sinner than a lying saint.

It is the difference between who we are at church and who we are at home that the Lord measures. Make it your desire that there would be no difference whatsoever.

The greatest saints in Scripture were never those who pretended to be perfect, but those who confessed that they were not. Jesus never said, “Blessed are the perfect ones”, but He did say, “Blessed are the poor in spirit…” (Matthew 5:3).

If you do not let the Holy Spirit convict you, then don’t be surprised that you never change.

What a blessed church we would have if we would let the Pastors be as infallible as the rest of us.

Stop trying to impress God with your pretend level of faith. The Lord is not seeking men who appear righteous, but those who seek Him with a humble heart. King David said to Solomon, “…the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you…” (1 Chronicles 28:9).

It is not the title you give yourself that defines you, but the life you live. Stop trying to fake the title, and let the title be what it will.

You can fake being filled by the Holy Spirit up to the point you have to live it. Never mistake soulful for spiritual. Being soulful is an outward expression for men to see. Being spiritual is an inward expression seen only by God.

Walking with God is never how religious you act but how obedient you are. You have to be real in your faith for God to be real in your life.

Real faith has power, the rest only looks good on your t-shirt.

It’s not what you say, but what you do. It’s not the faith you claim, but the faith you live. It’s not the mask you wear, but the man you are. It is not if you fall, but if you get back up. Get back up!

Be who you are. Stop pretending. You cannot fool God, and you are not that great at fooling others.

We all long for someone who is genuine. Be that person. Be the genuine soul for another that you long to have in your own life.

Can you imagine a faith as real as the one you pretend to have? Be daring enough to pray for such a faith.

I would rather spend a thousand days with an honest sinner than two minutes with the hypocrites in Christ that think themselves better than the rest of us.

Blessings to you,


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