Church Wars

This is from a series I wrote called “Tactics of the Devil”. One of the Devil’s tactics is to turn the Church against the Church. Disunity is the Devil’s weapon to divide and conquer.

There are many religions and cults that we can never be unified with. But for those Churches that agree Jesus is Lord, I find it saddening the many doctrinal lines that divide, especially in how vicious the divisions will be. How we hurt the Lord by our behavior.

It is the deception of Satan that he makes a saint imagine they are defending God as they serve the Devil. I see people dedicating their ministries to attacking and condemning others who do not agree with their doctrines. The same viciousness in men put Christ on the Cross.

How much hatefulness can pour out of a person and they can still be a Christian? Put down your stones. We don’t have to agree with each other to love each other.

Disunity of the Church

The problem in Church disunity is not somebody else’s problem, it is our problem.

The problem is not with the other church, but that we call it the other church.

Our Christian faith is not an Olympic sport. Separate churches are not supposed to be opposing teams. “so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another” (Romans 12:5).

The Devil’s strategy to destroy is by stirring up disunity, that Christians would turn on one another.

Can you imagine churches that loved as Christ called them to love? Jesus said, “This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12).

The deep division in the Church is because many are in the Church, but few are in Christ.

Doctrinal divisions

Stop justifying condemnation by calling it discernment. Argue doctrines, but love your neighbor.

Doctrinal division is a tool of the Devil in the hands of zealous men and women.

People will attack others over the Word, and in the process violate all the Word. “For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’” (Galatians 5:14).

I can always tell the heart of a Christian in how they speak to me on doctrinal differences. A godly saint will seek to understand my position, the other will merely try to force their position on me.

Your faith is not revealed by the doctrinal positions you have right, but the way in which you live them.

A denomination is a group of people that hold to their own unique set of imperfect doctrinal statements. “There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord” (1 Corinthians 12:5).

Can you imagine the power of the Church if it were not embroiled in all the devil-pleasing doctrinal civil wars?

Critical spirits

Beware when you criticize another church, lest you be found arm and arm with the Devil in his accusations.

Whenever you find yourself criticizing a church or a pastor instead of interceding for them, check yourself that you have not become one of Satan’s helpers.

Consider that Jesus hung on the Cross for the church you are spitting on.

Satan has no greater ally in the Church but the critical spirit.

If you cannot say it in front of a man, then probably it should not be said. “Whoever secretly slanders his neighbor, him I will destroy; the one who has a haughty look and a proud heart, him I will not endure” (Psalm 101:5).

Consider you could not be so hateful against other Christians unless it was the power of the Devil working through you.

If we had more of Christ in Christians, we would have fewer Christians condemning Christians.

It is the ploy of the Devil that you would justify your gossip and slander against other Christians.

Stop joining with Satan when you criticize a church and join with Christ who prays for His church.

The enemy within

The greatest enemies of the faith are the ones who imagine themselves the great defenders of the faith. Satan need not seek recruits outside the Church, as it is the pride of man within the Church where he finds his best candidates.

Beware the man who judges a saint as a devil knowing that is the same strategy Satan uses. If they called Jesus a devil, know they will say the same thing against you.

Fruit reveals the tree from which it came. “In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother” (1 John 3:10).

If you don’t evict the devil, then don’t be surprised when he stays.

The persecution of the saints

The early Church saw the same persecution we see today. Saul started out a persecutor, convinced he was on the side of God. Paul knew the Torah better than most of his day. Yet Paul knew nothing because his knowledge was on the letter, the wisdom of man, and not of the Spirit, the wisdom of God.

It took a swift kick in Paul’s spiritual behind such that Jesus could gain his attention and school him on what the Torah really meant, from the perspective of heaven.

I tell you we have many Saul’s running around today, but not enough Paul’s. The difference is a Saul will persecute those who believe different than they do, whereas a Paul will be willing to be persecuted if in the midst of his persecution he can win somebody to Christ.

Blessings to you,


 All Scripture is in red and uses the NKJV (New King James Version) translation unless otherwise noted.

6 thoughts on “Church Wars

    1. That is truth brother. Certainly we want to stand against false teaching. My fear is that many will take that banner and wave it over their own doctrinal position and claim everyone else is a false teacher. But I do concede with you that there are some terrible heresies out there that we in unity should stand firmly against. Good to hear from you Dan, it has been awhile!

  1. Particularly appreciate reading this tonight. Thank you for your view point.

    Christ is at the heart of Christianity. I think of us all with a propensity for discipleship which with training and growth would define us as Christians. It seems to me that with perfection in achieving the process we would view ourselves as perhaps the second Christ and thus the evolvement of the kingdom of heaven. All would ideally contribute to God’s glory and help others in the sacred journey. Ideally no one who followed the ways of Christ would be exempt.

    It seems that our focus should be discipleship as it allows for numerous second comings and the establishment of key relationships with one another
    If spiritually we are God’s seed aren’t those of us who follow the way brothers and sisters of Christ or Christians without with Christ as the common denominator. In heaven, aren’t our spiritual selves perfect like Christ.

    I realize I’m asking you things you probably can’t answer, but I am hoping for further insight. And hope I am not perceived as foolish.

    Thank you

    1. Hello, thank you for your comments. I certainly agree we need more discipleship. Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you…” (Matthew 28:19-20).

      I do not think we can or should ever view ourselves as the “second Christ” no matter how far we may get in our faith, as we are still a million miles from His perfect life. I also believe there will only be one second coming, and it is Christ alone qualified to do that.

      I do not believe we can ever be equal to Christ, not on earth, and not in heaven. Jesus is God who created all things, we are only one part of His creation. He is the Potter, we are the clay, this is as true in heaven as it is on earth.

      The teaching that we can be equal with Christ is found in some cult teachings, for example in Mormanism. We want to be very careful of ever desiring equality with Jesus, as this was the downfall of Satan, his desire to be equal with God.

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