Hearing God

Never doubt that the Lord can give you a word. He has spoken to men and women throughout history, and He has not stopped yet to this very day. Oh the great benefits to that blessed saint that would heed the word of the Lord. “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left” (Isaiah 30:21).

It is never a question of if the Lord would speak to you, but would you hear Him. Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27). Do you know His voice?

The goal of drawing near to God is not so He will hear you better, but that you will hear Him better. He already knows what you will say, but you are the one who needs to hear a word from Him.

Never limit the way in which the Lord would speak to you. But seek to live a holy life such that His holy words would be in the path in which you are walking. Always be deep in the word that you can be sure that the voice you are hearing is His. “…and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice” (John 10:4).

Sometimes the Lord will give you a strong word or a gentle whisper. Sometimes He will give you a word for yourself and other times a word for another. Sometimes He will come in your thoughts and other times in a dream. If you want Him to come to you, then you yourself must draw near to Him. Live in His presence and His presence will be ever near to you.

A few days ago my wife was not feeling well. She had the symptoms of a prior condition, and so had called her doctor to get the same medicine that had resolved it before. I was just about to lay down to rest for a little while, and told her to wake me if she needed me. Right before I laid down, I read something I wrote a few days prior, “You can be inspired by the words of men, but a word from the Lord changes the course of your life”.

As soon as I laid down I fell asleep. I had a dream and heard this from the Lord in my dream: “her appendix needs to come out”. I do not often hear from the Lord in my dreams, but I know His voice. I woke up and had those words still in my thoughts. Friend, the Lord still speaks to this very day. The problem is never will He speak to us, but will we listen?

Right then my wife texted me and I went to see her. She was not feeling well at all. I held her close and prayed over her. I told her we needed to take her to the hospital. But she said the doctors would call back soon, and they would prescribe the medicine that she needed.

I did not want to alarm her with the word the Lord had given me. But I told her that perhaps she had another problem from the one she had before, even though the symptoms were the same. But she insisted it was the same problem as before. Still, I won over and we took her to the hospital.

They proceeded to do some tests to see what was going on. When she came back to her ER room, the nurse came in and told us my wife would have to be admitted and get surgery right away. I already knew what the surgery would be for. The ER doctor came in to speak with us and confirmed what the Lord had already revealed to me earlier, that she was having a problem with her appendix.

Before her surgery I told my wife about how the Lord had given me the word of what was wrong with her. I anointed her with oil and prayed that the Lord would be with her. “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick…” (James 5:14-15). Friends, we need more faith.

After her surgery, the surgeon came out to speak with me. He said that her appendix had burst and had become infectious. But somehow, the infection had not spread at all, but was contained into an area where he was able to remove it all. Somehow indeed. I am convinced that the many saints who were praying for my wife held back the infection by the power of their prayers. “…pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16).

Never doubt that the Lord can speak to you. Even in a dream. “For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction” (Job 33:14-16).

Nothing is impossible in your dreams, and that is why God will sometimes meet you there.

Blessings to you,


4 thoughts on “Hearing God

  1. Do you know how dangerous it is for ANYTHING to burst inside your body? Your wife’s appendix burst, and that has killed many throughout the ages. But our Father heard your fervent prayers, and answered them favourably and spared her. PRAISE GOD ❤️❤️Our God is an awesome God! May your beautiful Missus have a complete healing through our mighty healer, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the alpha and omega, the great I Am, Redeemer of humanity, physician to humanity in sooooooooo many ways! I feel such hope when I hear of things like this. Thank you and your Missus for welcoming God into your lives, and then sharing the fruit of that relationship with a world so lost that it makes me weep for humanity. God bless your wife! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Oh yes, it is incredibly dangerous. One of the precious side stories to this is that I stayed that week in the hospital with my wife Mary day and night while she recuperated. One night my daughter offered to stay with her, so I could rest better at home. My wife was fine with it, but I could not leave her. How precious it is when we can be so in love with our spouses, as God has intended it to be. Thank you so much for all your kind words, I am going to make sure that Mary reads these as she will be very blessed by all that you wrote.

  2. I hope my words have meaning for your beautiful Mary. Glory to God for giving you that dream, and kudos to you for acting on it!

    I know the day is coming where I will be by The Mister’s side day and night in the hospital. He’s ten years older than me, and has cardiomyopathy, so unless God decides to pour out a miracle in our lives, that day is coming. And the way he salts his food over my extreme protest would seem to indicate that that day will come sooner than later. But I will be with him, holding his hand, kissing his brow and loving him through it.

    1. Thank you so much! Mary and I have been so blessed together. Prayers for your husband, that the Lord Jesus who came and healed while here on earth, is still in the business of bring healing even to this day. I pray healing miracles in advance, that your husband would live longer and healthier than science may predict, but that the Lord can do. He is very blessed to have someone as committed as you.

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